2019 т. 9 no 3
- Pages
- Research in organizational psychology
The presented study is based on the assumption that social constructs do not have a generally valid form but are culturally conditioned. Purpose. It presents the results of a research aimed at an analysis of the consistency of the factor structure of the MESI methodology (Measuring Social Intelligence) in the Indian and Slovak managerial environment. At the same time, the results of the analysis of differences in the assessment of the extracted social intelligence factors (Manipulation, Empathy and Social Irritability) between the managers from India and Slovakia are presented. Study design. The research file consisted of 504 managers, of which 252 were Indian and 252 were Slovak managers. Findings. The findings enable formulation of solution to two issues. The first is related to the degree of universality of the extracted factor structures of social intelligence in the individual cultures. The second relates to the assessment of the individual specified social intelligence factors within different cultures. The presented findings confirm that the MESI methodology factor structure detected based on the samples of Indian and Slovak managers is consistent. The only difference was detected in the order of the factors extracted based on the percentage of the variance explained. Consistency of the factor structure presented is confirmed also by the results of saturation of the factors by the individual items, the Cronbach´s alpha values, and correlation of the extracted factors. Existence of several differences in the assessment of the social intelligence attributes of Manipulation and Social Irritability was confirmed. Manipulation was more prominently rejected by the Indian managers, while Social irritability was more prominently rejected by the Slovak managers. Value of results. This finding also points to the necessity of accepting the cultural context in examining social intelligence and social constructs in general.
Modern society requires a specialist in any field of professionalism, competence, mobility, tolerance, willingness to act effectively in a changing environment. The lack of formation of the sequalities is a barrier to career and professional growth, a person is not able to resist competition, to fulfill the requirements imposed on him and, as a result, feels unsuccessful. Purpose. The aim is to identifysocial and psychological predictors of successfulness among representatives of various professional groups. Study design. The sample was formed by specialists of such professional categories as rescuers, Ministry of Internal Affairs employees, doctors, psychologists, teachers, service workers, engineersand industrial workers (N = 1348). The comparison group consisted of 351 prisoners. To study the successfulness of the respondents were asked (“Are you successful person?”) to assess its severity at a 7-point scale from 1 to 7. Based on the obtained estimates using two-step cluster analysis, the sample was clustered into four groups: with low, reduced, increased and high success. It is proved that the representatives of different professional categories to varying degrees assess their success. Findings. So, workers of the production sector (engineers, workers) to a lesser extent than representatives of other occupational categories, consider personal successfulness. Whereas employees of the Ministryof Internal Affairs and doctors appreciate their success most highly. It is revealed that professional affiliation, gender, age, education and social conditions affect the self-assessment of successfulness and are its predictors. It is established that vitality, psychological well-being, adaptability, resistance to professional burnout, optimism, extraversion, dominance and self-sufficiency are psychological predictors of successfulness. Value of results. The results of the study can be used for further study of the phenomenon of success in the framework of general, social, age and organizational psychology, work psychology, as well as for the development of programs for the formation of successful behavior, psychological support of individual career trajectories of representatives of various professional categories.
Purpose. The article describes an empirical study to test the hypothesis about the specificity of the motivation of loyalty of public servants to groups operating in social environment in their workplace and to identify specific features of the motivation of loyalty to such groups. Methodology. The study was based on the understanding of loyalty as a psycho-behavioral participation the personin group at the interconnected levels of self-determination, group emotions, as well as motivations, orientations and processes of group activity. The research sample consisted of employees of Russian penitentiary system (N = 2786). To collect the empirical material was used Method of color metaphors (by I. L. Solomin) adapted for the purposes of the research and computerized in the Psychometric Expert 9.0.4 program. Data processing was carried out using the ‘nearest neighbour’ method of cluster analysis and Fisher’s significance testing. Findings. The main peculiarity of public servants motivation of loyalty to job-related groups is the leading role of self-assertive motives. The most stable and universal in the motivation of loyalty to such groups is the association with the ideal of legality. Self-dependence acts as an instrumental value, ensuring other values and ideals which are providing motivation of loyalty to job-related groups. Value of the results. The present study has provided directempirical evidence of specificity of the motivation of loyalty of public servants to job-related groups. Thus, the need to study this specificity was proved. Implications for practice. The knowledge gained about peculiarities of motivation of loyalty of public servants to job-related groups can find practical application in matters of public servants motivating and selection of candidates for public service.
In economic and socio-psychological sciences no unified conceptual foundations of study of influence of work motivation system on organizational culture have yet developed, there is no interdependent in the logical sense and integral system of scientific knowledge about the character of managemental impact of stimulation system on a certain type of organizational culture, providing maximal use and development of employee potential. Goal: modeling influence of employee motivation on organizational culture of modern organizations and elaboration of activities on development of organizational culture on this basis (evidence from educational establishments of higher education). Design. More than 80 respondents, professors, lecturers took part in the research. The principal instrument used was the method of questionnaires. The methodical inventory consisted of methods by L. Aksenovskaya, K. Cameron, R. Quinn, R. Daft, V. Skvortsov, Т. Ehlers, A. Rean. Findings. The research will allow developing theoretical ideas about the essence and content of organizational culture and work motivation in Russian companies, also about the principles of their diagnostics and modeling.The obtained results can be used by companies performing different types of economic activities, and also can be exercised during the education process.
- Organizational psychology in practice
Purpose. The goal is to develop and test new questionnaires for organizational and suborganization, group and microgroup, interpersonal and personal identification (identity) of employees in the organization. Method. The substantive validity of four new questionnaires of social(organizational) identity was examined. The selection of these questionnaires totaled 514 employees from various large organizations (state universities, institutions in the field of management and lawenforcement functions, as well as commercial companies). The results were processed using factor analysis using the principal component method and the Varimax rotation with Kaiser normalization; descriptive statistics, Cronbach’s alpha coefficients and Pearson correlations were calculated; the conformity of the empirical distribution to the normal was evaluated. Results. It is shown that, depending on the components of identity, a survey of organizational and suborganizational identity (consists of two corresponding parts) has a two-factor structure, and includes two subscales in eachpart: cognitive and affective identity. The group and microgroup identity questionnaire (includes tworelevant sections), the interpersonal identity questionnaire and the personal identity questionnaire have a three-factor structure and consist of three subscales, such as cognitive, affective and behavioral identity. It is shown that the questionnaires in general have validity and reliability by the analyzed indicators. However, a subscale of microgroup behavioral identity and a subscale of personal behavioral identity have an internal consistency below acceptable. The value of the results is the development of unified questionnaires, which together allow to measure six aspects (levels) of employees’ identity (identification with the organization as a whole and a large structural unit, with a small group / team and an informal subgroup in a group, other members of the group and oneself) two or three components in each. The simultaneous use of these questionnaires will allow a comprehensive study of the measure and proportionality of different levels of identity (for each component), links between levels of identity (for each component), as well as links of identity levels (for certain components) with attitudes and behavior of workers, psychological characteristics and effectiveness of groups. Practical implications. Practitioners will be able to assess the degree of expression of all levels and components of the identity of employees in a particular organization / group. Based on this, it is possible to predict attitudes and behavior of employees, as well as selectively develop (where necessary) certain levels and components of identity.
To cater successfully to a nascent need in the market, it is critical for the service provider’s intuitive model to be accurate, and for its key points to be well thought-out. Purpose. The paper substantiates a methodical technique that allows to reconstruct an implicit model, based on which market offers are formulated (as shown for the case of personal efficiency trainings). Method. The conceptual basis of the method was provided by such concepts of psychosemantics as “common consciousness”, “implicit models”, “semantic space”, “constructs”. The empirical basis consisted of 444 offers of personal efficiency trainings offered on the Russian Internet. By means of content-analysis (Excel classifier), 13 categories were identified as common consciousness constructs attributed to the training services providers. The paper shows the possibility to view the categories’ mentioning frequency as a reflection of their need significance in the reality they denote, the programs’ price as a subjective equivalent of their value significance, and the duration of programs as an indicator of their resource intensity. Findings. The analyzed categories were placed in a semantic space formed by these three constructs. The results analysis in terms of semantic spaces allows to obtain non-obvious results, which speaks to their deep (non-reflexive) nature. So, it turns out that personal efficiency (in the narrowsense) is essentially pro-acted, which implies, in particular, being a leader (not simply a manager), being able to manage conflicts (not simply communicate). This sense can be extended to include the ability to control others and / or oneself. The reconstructed implicit model of personal efficiency allows to formulate training offers for at least four distinct target groups: “leaders”, “managers”, “the reliable” and “achievers” (increasing chances of potential users’ response). The last two groups indicate the prospect of teaching personal efficiency to ordinary employees (subordinates), not only managers.
- First Steps
Purpose. The article presents the results of the development of the Managerial Identity Status Questionnaire (MISQ), based on the advanced status model of identity of James Marcia. The advantage of the established methodology is to take into account the specifics of such a professional group as managers, as well as the transition to quantitative research methods, which makes it possible to establish correlation and cause-effect relationships of managerial identity with other psychological constructs. The paper presents a check of the factor structure of the questionnaire, the optimal composition of the scales and its psychometric properties, such as convergent and discriminant validity and reliability (internal consistency). Methodology. The study was attended by 449 people, 275 employees of various organizations, and 174 managers (92 managers and 82 entrepreneurs). Results. The EFA revealed two factors corresponding to the Commitment (α = .79) and Reconsideration of Commitment (α = .81).The total variance explained was 63.82%. Using CFA, the optimal factor structure was selected, with recommended indices of correspondence of confirmatory models (χ2 = 12.54; RMSEA = .057; df = 8; SRMR = .040; CFI = .987; TLI = .976; AIC = 2946.661). The scales of the questionnaire have convergent and discriminant validity. Findings. The results of the study show that the Managerial Identity Status Questionnaire has acceptable psychometric properties. The value of the results. The first version of the questionnaire was created, which allows to quantify the status of managerial identity. |
This article is devoted to the analysis and systematization of research, revealing the factors of the relationship of the level of emotional intelligence of a manager with group activities. Propose. The article provides an overview of the models of emotional intelligence. Findings. It is shown that models of cognitive abilities and mixed models go the way of parallel development. A classification of models of emotional intelligence according to the following parameters is presented: type of model, structure and method of diagnosis. All models are related to these parameters. The analysis showed that the models of cognitive abilities and their diagnostic tools have a greater structural unity than mixed models, which allows the use of methods of analysis, synthesis and generalization to identify the factors interconnecting the emotional intelligence of a manager with the group’s activities. Analyzed foreign studies that study the impact of the level of emotional intelligence leader on group activity, efficiency and organizational climate. The groups of factors of interrelation of the level of emotional intelligence of a manager with the activity of the group are determined: factors-conditions and factors-results.The factors-conditions: the climate of the team, the psychological safety of the team’s work, inspiration, reduction of the effects of stress and negative emotions, motivation and group satisfactionin performing the task. Team performance, the effectiveness of the tasks in the group, the increase in the quality of the tasks are the result factors. Analyzed and highlighted the key factors — the conditions of the relationship of the level of emotional intelligence leader with group activities. Key factors include: organizational climate, organizational identification, job satisfaction. Value of results. Due to the ambiguity of the nature of the relationship of these constructs, it is hypothesized that the level of emotional intelligence of the manager will be interconnected with all three constructs. Additional research is needed to confirm the hypothesis.
- Conferences
On April 6–10, 2020 in Moscow, National Research University Higher School of Economics (HSE University), with the support of the World Bank, will be hosting the XXI April International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development. The Conference’s Programme Committee will be chaired by Professor Evgeny Yasin, HSE University’s academic supervisor. The Conference features a diverse agenda concerning social and economic development in Russia. The Conference programme will includ e presentations by Russian and international academics, roundtables and plenary sessions with participation of members of the Government of the Russian Federation, government officials, business representatives, and leading Russian and foreign experts. The XXI April International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development once again invites participants from the international academic and expert community!
The University of Education / University of Danang, the Graduate Academy of Social Sciences and the Vietnam Association of Social Psychology are hosting the 2019 International Conference onP rofessional Ethics of Psychologists. Psychology in Vietnam is flourishing both as a profession and ascience. It is time to look back at the development of psychology in Vietnam both in term of research and practice to review its achievements and the necessity to establish professional moral standards for psychologists in Vietnam. The Scientific Committee of the International Conference on Professional Ethics of Psychologists invites psychologists and professionals working in related fields to participate in and submit papers for the conference. |