2019 т. 9 no 4
- Pages
We are pleased to continue to acquaint readers with the latest developments in organizational psychology in 2019–4 issue of Organizational Psychology Journal. The column “Research in Organizational Psychology” contains three articles. Each of them raises the topic of emotional burnout in different professions — in the hotel and restaurant business (an article in English by our Indian colleagues Asi Reddy and Harshita Mehta “Mediating role of transformational leadership on the relationship between burnout and intention to quit among the employees of select hotels in South India”), among figure skating athletes (an article “The using of eye movements parameters in burnout syndrome diagnostic” by Valentina Barabanschikova, Oksana Klimova, Artem Kovalev, Galina Men'shikova), among social care workers (an article by Natalya Bondarchuk and Elizaveta Bykova “Professional self-concept of a care worker: research among the social pedagogue in the Magadan region”).
The “Organizational psychology in practice” column covers the issue of training effectiveness. This is the subject of the article by Vladislava Stepanenko and Natalia Antonova, “Evaluation of the effectiveness of training in organization: case study”. Authors developed the contextual hierarchical model for evaluating the effectiveness of training and tested on 201 employees of consulting company. In the column “First Steps” there is wide range of articles by young researchers. The topic of proactive behavior is raised in two investigations. These are articles by Mariya Starikova and Sergey Manichev "Building a professional career in organizations: The role of employee's proactivity" and "Innovative and bureaucratic organizational culture as factors of proactivity in organization" by Olga Abramova and Aleksandr Tatarko. The role of humor in organizational everyday life is discussed in an article by Alla Ustinova and Anastasiya Kachina "The Relationship between Emotional Intelligence and Types of Humor in Business Communication” . Gender issues are raised in the article by Aleksandra Bordunos “Alternatives to a «rose-colored glasses»: inclusion of employees with childcare commitments”. Features of the intragroup role structure are considered in an article “Group work: peer assessment and rewards distribution” (in English) by Diana Bayazitova. The problem of professional training is raised in the article “Generalists in Modern Organizations: Theoretical Review” by Natalya Ivanova, Anna Klimova, and Warren Thorngate W. Thorningate in the column “Organizational psychology in dialogues and discussions”. In the “Conferences” section you will find brief summary of professional events of 2019: II-nd all-Russian scientific and practical conference “Government, business, education: effective partnership” by Mariya Gornakova and Anna Dyachuk and “Traditional and innovative in organizational psychology” by Tatiana Kochetova. In the “Literary Guide” Takhir Bazarov shared his impressions of the book by U.J. Bennis and R.J. Thomas “Geeks & Geezers: How Era, Values, and Defining Moments Shape Leaders” after a new reading with a difference of 10 years in the book review “Leadership Formula: A look through the decade”. |
- Research in organizational psychology
Purpose. Transformational leadership the most widely researched leadership theories in the present business world, emphasizing on “broaden and elevate the interests of the employees when they generate awareness and acceptance of the purposes and mission of the group.” India is a prominent and attractive hub during the past decade made the service industry agile with round-the-clock rendering of quality services for its customers. Thus, creating more work stress among the employees of this sector in India leading to burnout and then to quit from the organization. This paved the way to estimate and investigate the effect of Transformational leadership on burnout of employees working in hotels in South India with empirical evidence to conceptualize transformational leadership and its relation with employee job burnout and thereby the intention to quit. Methodology. A self-administered questionnaire for measuring the level of burnout using MBI Scale, perception on supervisor’s transformational leadership was tested by using the Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire (MLQ-5x; Bass, 1985), intention to quit measured by the scale developed by C. D. Crossley et al., (2002). The data collected was treated using descriptive statistics, correlation and regression analysis and Mediation analysis. Findings: Theimpact of employee burnout on the intention to quit is mediated by transformational leadership with direct and total effects as 0.2347 and 0.2477 respectively and is significant at p < 0.00 also 53.17% of variability of data can be explained by transformational leadership. Values of the results. The results posts a platform to explore supervisors’ leadership style so as to reduce employee intention to quit. This paper also poses the researchers to test on other organizational and psychological factors influencing job burnout leading employee turnover.
The study of the reasons and mechanisms of development of professional deformationsis one of the actual and important tasks of organizational psychology. Purpose. The purpose of thisstudy was to study the possibility of using the parameters of eye movements to assess the severityof professional deformations on the example of burnout syndrome. Design. 34 figure skaters tookpart in the experiments. The study consisted of two experimental series. In the first part, 32 matrices consisting of four photographs were used as stimuli. Each such matrix contained one neutral image andimages of the types “Training”, “Rewarding” and “Injury” and was displayed for five sec. In the second part, subjects were presented with texts of negative, positive and neutral content. Some of the texts contained grammatical errors and the task of the subjects was to find such errors. Eye movements were recorded with the eye tracking system SMI RED 120. All subjects pre-filled out a questionnaire aimed at assessing the severity of burnout syndrome — Maslach Burnout Inventory. Finding. The results found some relationships between the severity of burnout symptoms such as “Reduction of personal achievements” and “Depersonalization” and the parameters of eye movements. Participants of the group “Reduction of personal achievements” when reading texts with negative content made lesslong-term fixations on negative words, as well as less fixation on images such as “Rewarding”. Thus they demonstrated an avoidance strategy. The “Depersonalization” group avoided positive texts and images with type “Training”. The value of results. Thus, using the parameters of eye movements, an objective assessment of the distribution of attention of the subjects was carried out when presenting stimuli relevant to the content of the symptoms of emotional burnout. The use of different types of stimuli allowed to establish qualitative differences in the severity of different symptoms of burnout syndrome.
Purpose. This article is devoted to the description of the results of an empirical study of the professional self-concept of social pedagogue in the education system of the city of Magadan city and the Magadan Region. Methodology. The study has exploratory design. The carried out research includes a technique of diagnostics of level of emotional burning out by V. V. Boyko, the study of determining satisfaction with work by A. V. Batarshev, the technique of specialized semantic differentials for thee valuation of the concepts of “profession” and “professional” by V. P. Serkin, the method of studying professional identity by L. B. Schneider, an special developed questionnaire, the author’s version of the technique “Unfinished sentences”. The sample of the study was made up of 25 social pedagogues working in the education system of Magadan city and Magadan Region: institutions of secondary general education, institutions for students on adapted educational programs, vocational education institutions, and additional education institutions. The procedure of the research conducted by the authors is described, a detailed interpretation of the results is given, and as a result, a description of the professional Self-conception of the social pedagogue in the education system is given. Finding. The obtained data justify the formation of well-understood, positive, cognitive, emotional and behavioral components of the professional self-conception of social pedagogues of the education system that are adequate to the requirements of professional activity. The value of results. The results make it possible to supplement and broaden the idea of the professional self-awareness of social pedagogues. The results also can be used in the professional preparation of students in the field of training “Psychological and pedagogical education” profile “Social Pedagogy”.
- Organizational psychology in practice
Purpose. The purpose of this work is the development and testing of a program for assessing the effectiveness of training for employees of a consulting organization. Design. The first stage aimed to study the parameters of effective training (contextual part of the model). On the second stage todevelop on the basis of selected parameters the methodology for assessing the effectiveness of training at several levels. There are: affective, cognitive, behavioral (hierarchical part of the model). approbation of the methodology for evaluating the effectiveness of training and determining its validity. Methods. We used semi-structured interview, moderation sessions, survey, and testing. Processing of the resultswas performed using the method of content analysis, statistical processing was performed using SPSS.Sample: employees of consulting company N, the total number of 201 people. Results. A contextual hierarchical model for evaluating the effectiveness of training was developed. Parameters of effective training for employees of a consulting company were identified. A methodology for evaluating the effectiveness of training by a consulting company, including three blocks, was developed and tested. Recommendations on the application of this technique in further work were given to the customer. Application: The developed methodology can be used to assess the effectiveness of training in consulting companies. Limitation: the methodology was created for the consulting company however the created assessment model and recommendations may be useful to developers of similar instruments in companies with different profile.
- First Steps
Purpose. In modern economic conditions workers, in order to achieve success, tend to build a proactive career. Since there are very few works in the Russian-language literature devoted to career proactivity, it is important to study biographical predictors of career success. The hypothesis of the study: 1. there might exist an invariant, non specific for professional areas structure of personal predictors of a successful professional career, which includes special behavioral characteristics of the employee (career potential of the employee); 2. even in functional hierarchical organizational structures, there are features of the organizational context that facilitate the disclosure of the proactive potential of the employee. Empirical research was conducted on a sample of 301 people. Research methods: 1) developed biographical questionnaire (324 questions), containing scales of success rates, career potential, organizational context, 2) K. Riff psychological well-being scale (adaptation by T. D. Shevelenkova), 3) corporate competence assessment scale. Results. A structural model of thec haracteristics of a professional career has been developed. Predictors and moderators of subjectiveand objective career success are highlighted. A structural model of the characteristics of a professional career is built. Predictors and moderators of subjective and objective career success are highlighted. Finding. The relationship of satisfaction with the profession as an integral subjective indicator of career success with indicators of psychological well-being is confirmed. The influence of the employee’s career potential and the organizational context of his activity on job satisfaction as an indicator of career success is mediated by mediators. Such mediators are indicators of proactive behavior in career management — orientation to career goals and the level of professional mobility.
Proactivity in the behavior of employees is a desirable attribute of a modern organizationstriving for innovation, which is prepared to meet the constant challenges of a technological society. Proactivity at the individual and organizational levels is characterized by the mindset of employees to transformation, useful activity, long-term planning and initiative, which brings the organization towards innovation. Prupose. The goal of the study is to identify the indirect relationships between perceived organizational culture and proactivity. Our hypothesis is the existence of a positive relationship between innovative organizational culture and proactivity through the following mediators: innovative self-efficacy and autonomy. The importance of innovative culture for proactivity is illustrated by thehypothesis of the negative indirect effect of bureaucratic culture on proactivity through the same mediators. Study design. The unconventional approach of the study — investigation of organizational characteristics useful for innovation through students’ perception of their activities at the university.This idea stems from the similarity of the attributes of a modern, constantly learning innovative organization with the characteristics of a university of a new format — with design work, academic mobility and competitive environment. As a result, the regression analysis of the mediation model involving 191 students from different faculties of the university showed a significant indirect effect of innovative organizational culture on personal and organizational proactivity through innovation self-efficacy. Findings. The bureaucratic culture, on the contrary, did not have an indirect negative effecton both levels of perceived proactivity. Additional analysis revealed direct relationships between the innovation / bureaucratic organizational culture and autonomy: an innovative culture has a positive direct relationship with autonomy, and a bureaucratic culture has a negative direct relationship.Thus, it is possible to talk about the benefits of an innovative organizational culture for the proactive personality and organizational member proactivity, provided the individual maintains a high innovation self-efficacy — belief in his/her ability to innovate. Implementation in practice. In practical application, the research contributes to one of the future scenarios of an innovative organization aimed at learning, employee independence and hierarchy reduction, and also utilizes characteristics rarely studied in Russian organizational psychology: proactivity and innovation self-efficacy.
Purpose. The article presents pilot research results regarding emotional intelligence and humor style relationship in business communication. Method. Study sample comprised of 101 participants, 27 men and 74 women. We used R. Martin Humor Styles Questionnaire (Russian version; Ivanova et al., 2013), Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire (Lyusin, 2006) and M. Sherer and J. Maddux’ Social Self-efficacy Scale (Russian version by Boyarinceva, 1995). Supplementary, self-assessment of business communication’ and public speaking’ frequency at work data were assembled. Spearman’s ρ-criteria, cluster analysis (k-means) and Mann — Whitney U-criteria were used in data analysis. Findings. Intrapersonal EI positively correlates with self-enhancing humor (ρ =0,365, p ≤ 0,01) and negatively with aggressive (ρ = –0,355, p ≤ 0,01) and self-defeating humor (ρ = –0,286, p ≤ 0,05). It was shown that the respondents who often interact with colleagues / clients and speak publicly at work hadsignificantly higher rates of interpersonal EI and self-supporting humor compared with those who had little contacts at work. In addition, clustered by humor style data revealed significant differences in intrapersonal EI (U = 839.0, р < 0,004) amongst respondents with reduced rates of destructive humor next to those who use all humor styles equally. Value of results. Research results correspond to previousstudies on the regulatory function of self-enhancing humor in stressful situations. That affords us too utline stress-management programs using constructive humor as self-regulation technic in business communication.
Purpose. The purpose of the study is to identify framework approaches to optimizing the working conditions of employees combining work with childcare. Methodology. The study addresses the framing effect and Q-methodology algorithms, namely: Q-concourse, Q-set, Q-sort and Q-factor analysis. The general set of opinions about the phenomenon under study is called the Q-concourse. Comprehensive literature review helped to form the Q-concourse. From the entire set of opinions identified (Q-concourse), a representative sample of initiatives was compiled — Q-set. Results. As a result of the analysis, it was possible to identify three main causes of a false positive assessment of working conditions for employees combining work with child care: The end of state monopoly in institualizing certain gender roles, international recognition of the lack of an explicit gender gap in companies, and the avoidance of gender-related problems, associated with western feminism., which led to the emergence of the “pink glasses” frame. The article describes the first stage of the study, asa result of which it was possible to identify three framework approaches alternative to “pink glasses”, to determine the boundaries of their suitability, to select illustrative examples of initiatives thatcorrespond to the identified frameworks and satisfy the needs of domestic companies. The revealed lack of freedom of choice allows us to look at the presented reference frames, not as mutually exclusivealternatives to the “pink glasses”, but as a step-by-step program of improvements: the “red glasses” frame; "green glasses” frame and “blue glasses” frame. Thus, the study offered answers to the key questions of optimizing working conditions for a dedicated marginal group of personnel: what strategic tasks does the company solve by optimizing working conditions; what individual needs do employees with childcare obligations have? what are the conditions for legitimizing initiatives. The value of theresults. Theoretical results may be of interest to researchers of gender differences, inclusion and diversity of categories of personnel, social identity, strategic personnel management. The results are also addressed to the heads of organizations for which the policy on working with various categories of personnel is relevant. The originality of the study lies in the interpretation of gender studies from the perspective of management and the psychological theory of identity.
* - the article mentions materials from the Levada Center, which is recognized as a foreign agent in the Russian Federation.
Purpose. The study examined the problem of rewards distribution in students’ group work.To implement the satisfying evaluation system in education, especially in students’ teamwork, one musttake into account the contribution of each team member. Following study investigated the perception of members’ contribution according to their roles in teamwork. The roles were based on R. M. Belbin’s theory of team roles with addition of free-rider role in accordance with social loafing theory. Study design. The study had experimental design, however, the experiment was conducted through online questionnaire with virtual situations per each role: Executive (Action role), Idea generator (Thinking role), Socializer (Communicative role) and Free-rider. Participants were 186 students who distributed rewards among all the members including themselves considering the project inputs of each member. Finding. The received results give us the review of the perception of each member contribution with particular rolein the teamwork. The study also examined which team role is perceived as an important team member, how free riders allocate the common rewards among the team, what they expect to receive from other members. Value of the results. The results of the study might be useful in compensation and benefit system development, contribution assessment system in group work.
- Organizational psychology in dialogues and discussions
In the present article we analyze the current problem of modern organizations, which is associated with an increase in interest in the so-called professionals — generalists compared with specialists, interest in comparison of professions from the position of the complexity and the depthof tasks that their representatives solve. On the example of three case studies of professions that are considered as generalists in organizations and society, the specifics of the activities, professional training and careers of their representatives are shown. We also identify reasons why organizations need the sespecialists, as well as problems associated with their status, their duties and communications. Three types of generalists in the organization are identified, due to the peculiarities of their involvement insolving different goals of the organization and to different career prospects. It is shown that generalists are the most important resource for organizational adaptation to changing external and internal conditions.
- Conferences
The article presents the main results of the IInd all-Russian scientific and practical conference “Power, business, education: effective partnership”, held on May 16–18, 2019 in Krasnoyarsk. For the second year, the conference serves as a regional platform for discussing top issues and developing solutions to promote the formation and development of professionals in the current conditions of the region. The speakers‘ reports discussed the issues of emerging trajectories of professional development, approaches of support and personnel management, personality in professional formation and development, the definition of significant issues for professional success in the modern world skills and competencies in accordance with professional standards, as well as educational practices aimed at the development of significant qualities of a professional. The disussion of the presented reports was based on the definition of positions of the government, education and business in solving urgent problems of professional development and opportunities for interaction in creating conditions for training and development of specialists in accordance with the social demands, the challenges of the time, the expectations of stakeholders. The importance and value of the development of models of psychological support in the organization and the creation of joint projects aimed at coordinating the tasks of primary and secondary education, professional training and support of a professional in the organization, which will consolidate efforts in the formation of a person who is able to solve problems in everyday real life, adapt to changes, ready to learn, design educational, career and life trajectories.
In mid-October 2019, the All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference with international participation “Social Psychology and Society: History and Present”, dedicated to the memory of Artur Petrovsky, was held at the Faculty of Social Psychology of Moscow State University of Psychology and Education. The conference brought together researchers and practitioners who presented their research and practical developments on the widest range of pressing issues of modern social psychology. One of the sections aroused by the interest of the participants was the section “Traditionaland innovative in organizational psychology: a critical view”, the work of which was organized by the head of the Department of Management Psychology, Professor A. V. Pogodina.
- Literary guide
Book Review: Geeks & Geezers: How Era, Values, and Defining Moments Shape Leaders by Bennis W. J., Thomas R. J. [in Russian “How to Become Leaders: New Generation Management”], 2006. |