2020 т. 10 no 1
- Pages
We present our journal’s new edition. The journal continues to get familiar its readers with thelat-est events in organizational psychology. In this edition, we congratulate German Nikiforov, Head ofthe Department of Psychological Support for Professional Activities of St. Petersburg State Universityon his anniversary.
Two articles present section «Research in organizational psychology». In article «Methodology of organizational social capital research: paradigm and underpinning the concept» by L. G. Pochebut, V. A. Chiker and A. B. Volkova, the authors methodologically substantiate the concept of «organization’s social capital». Article «Activity–related experiences and their dependence on the type of activity» by O. V. Mitina, I. L. Mozharovsky, M. M. Mirasaidov, and A. S. Bondarenko establishes that the differences of experiences are mostly related to professional activity.
In section «Organizational psychology in practice» you will learn about the possibilities of the Emotional Intelligence Test to diagnose the emotional intelligence level among employees of Russian organizations from article «Development of an objective methodology for measurement of emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence and socio-demographics of employees in Russian organizations» (in English) by E. S. Sergienko and E. A. Khlevnaya. You will also learn how to keep talents in the organization from article «External and internal conditions for the implementation of talent retention practices in organizations: a comparative analysis» by O. V. Mondrus. The results of research on organizational culture and labor motivation in specific Russian organizations are outlined in articles «Representations of the organizational culture of employees of trade enterprise: integration, differentiation or fragmentation of representations» by Yu. I. Melnik and «The factors of labour motivation of a modern employee» by T. Yu. Bazarov, A. B. Karpov. The question of why the position of aviation psychologist is needed is answered by authors in article «Organizational and psychological aviation events in Russian commercial aviation investigation effectiveness analysis» by N. N. Guziy, Yu. A. Mayorova, A. V. Mishin, D. A. Shiryaev.
Section «First Steps» presents two articles by our young colleagues. You will learn how job satisfaction, organizational commitment and autonomy in the workplace with transformational leadership are related from article «The link between transformational leadership and positive work attitudes among employees in Russian IT-companies: the mediator role of job autonomy» by Veronika Deminskaya. Article«Adaptation of the Reysen’s Likeability Scale for Russian sample» by Lucia Bombieri is devoted to the ex-pansion of organizational psychologist’s methodological tools.
The history of ergonomic concept formation in Russia, embodied in the personal memories of one of its brightest representatives can be found in section «Organizational psychology in dialogues and discussions» in article «Ergonomics is my life» by Anatoly Frumkin.
In section «Conferences» you will find detailed stories about the international scientific-practical conferences held at the end of 2019 with organizational and psychological topics: «Work Psychology forIndustry 4.0» (T. N. Lobanova, L. N. Zakharova) and «Development and prospects of business psychology» (N. L. Ivanova).
February 22, 2020 marks the 80th anniversary of German Nikiforov, Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Psychological Support for Professional Activities of St. Petersburg State University, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation.
- Research in organizational psychology
Purpose. The main aim of this article is to underpin methodologically the concept of “organizational social capital” as the unique semantic space that combines and unifies employees todeal with the challenges, based on the trust, cooperation standards, commitment to organizational goals and values as well as creating a reputation for internal and external environment. The methodology isa field of knowledge about research approaches and methods, studying ways to unearth the objective truth and accurate knowledge. The methodology is based on the scientific paradigm that identifies the conceptual scheme both to set and challenge actual problems. Paradigm is particular exploratory theories and concepts that can be a basis for new models, main basic definitions, and system of thought. Psychology is multiparadigm science which gives researchers a unique opportunity to study individual’ psyche and social group involvement under various points of scientific knowledge. The methodology of this article reflects the main paradigms for the concept of social capital in the organization. The findings of scientific analysis let us emphasize two scientific paradigms — social constructivism (E. Husserl’s phenomenology and symbolic interactionism developed by G. Mead) and cognitivism (the social identity theory developed by H. Tajfel and self-categorization theory introduced by J. Turner). The paradigm of social constructivism explains the social behavior of individuals based on common values and meanings that underpin modern discourse and symbolic resources of the culture. Cognitivism paradigm is that social interactions are based on cognitive constructs creating the sole semantic area. Conclusions are that it is possible to describe the concept of “organizational social capital” based on the above-mentioned theories. Originality is that there is a scientific underpinning of the studied definition.
Purpose. Obtaining comparative data on the structure of experiences typical of various types of activity (professional, leisure, educational) from representatives of several different professions that are similar to each other in certain parameters, as well as representatives of the same profession with different work experience or engaged in different areas of the same professional activity. This article discusses studies in which the D. A. Leontiev’s method “Activity–Related Experiences Assessment” (AREA) was used. The peculiarity of this study was that respondents representing various professions evaluated their experiences not only in relation to their professional activities, but also to other activities, including leisure, communication, and training. Study design. This study was conducted on several independent samples, with a total number of 252 subjects. Since the respondents gave an assessment of their experiences in different types of activities at the same time, we assume an implicit comparison during the process of evaluating professional activities with other types of activities. The respondents were programmers, actors, athletes, dancers, educators, and photo models. Results. In professional activities, programmers, athletes, and actors (Research 1) come first with “meaning”, and “emptiness” is also in last place. However, there are significant differences in the rating of “pleasure”. For programmers and actors, “pleasure” and “effort” are estimated approximately the same and occupy an intermediate position. The greatest pleasure from dancing (Study 2) is the representative of street dances, followed by representatives of ballroom dancing. Dancers of classical and folk dances also get a little less pleasure but put more effort. All respondents experience the least pleasure in the process of socio–normative activity (work or study), but it is this activity that gives high meaning on the one hand, but also emptiness, on the other. Starting to work in the modeling business, girls more enjoy, enjoy, and enjoy their own professional activities than female teachers (Study 3). Findings. A comparison of the results obtained in the samples representing different professions allows us to conclude that one of the components necessary for immersion in flow states, namely, such as experiencing effort, is more manifested in professional activity, while the remaining two, meaningfulness and pleasure manifest themselves in social or leisure activities, respectively. Differences in experience among representatives of different professions relate more to professional activities. Experiences in other activities that people of different professions (study, recreational activities, communication with friends, etc.) are less different. Negative changes in the emotional state and psychological well–being arising from a long work experience lead to the fact that people are more likely to feel an emptiness in their professional activities. The value of results. The method was first used not in Russia, but in the Russian–speaking region (Uzbekistan), which has cultural specifics in various types of activities. Good consistency of the scales was shown and their structure was similar to the results obtained in previous studies conducted in Russia, which suggests the possibility of using this tool outside of Russia and the prospect of conducting cross–cultural research in the territory of the CIS republics, in which many more people continue to speak Russian.
- Organizational psychology in practice
Purpose. Development of a Russian-language online method «Emotional Intelligence Test, EIT» and determining the respondents’ emotional intelligence. Determination of important sociodemographic variables in emotional intelligence. Study design. Hypothesis: the EIT methodology isvalid and reliable, can be used to objectively measure emotional intelligence of employees of Russian organizations within the framework of emotional intelligence as an ability. Study sample: 1043 people aged 20-72. Respondents: Russian-speaking professionals working in Russian organizations. Results. Women compared to men have significantly higher results in the strategic domain of Emotional Intelligence, some sections of understanding emotions, tasks for managing emotions. Men show significantly higher scores in understanding emotions, assessed using dynamic tasks. Comparisons of age groups showed significant differences between younger and older respondents. Findings. EIT is anobjective and valid method of measuring emotional intelligence. EIT can be used to measure emotional intelligence of employees of Russian corporations, which will allow better analysis of the activities ofemployees and indicate future opportunities for the development of competencies. Women have higher scores in most sections of the strategic domain of emotional intelligence, which is consistent with previous studies. However, men have higher scores in the “dynamics” section, which may indicate a higher ability of men to perceive and understand emotions in dynamic situations. These data have no analog in previous studies, which indicates the need for further research. Variables were identified that would be particularly important in future studies of the relationship between emotional intelligence and professional performance. Value of results. The methodology of EIT can be used to establish the roleof Emotional Intelligence in the effectiveness and psychological well-being of a person and become a reliable tool for assessing a person’s ability for social interaction and self-efficacy. Research in this area is important to understand the role and place of emotional intelligence as a human resource of self-efficacyand to create a reliable technology that contributes to organizational development.
Purpose. The purpose of the paper is to identify the external and internal factors which lead to the formation of talent retention practices in organizations operating in the territory of Russia. The research involves 21 companies — representatives of eight industries and five countries. Methodology. The research is based on a mixed methodology. In addition to theoretical analysis and identification of external and internal factors that influence the formation of talent retention practices, the authors conduct a multiple case study to evaluate an organizational context of talent retention practices in the companies. To analyze the data, both qualitative and quantitative methods are used. Findings. As the results of the research, it is shown that with respect to the talent retention practices, the role of the innovative component in an organization’s business model or the role of the stability of the results lead to the formation of two clusters of talent management system configurations. Companies which focus on creating an innovative product / service demonstrate the talent-centered talent management system configurations with blurred, fuzzy boundaries. In such organizations, the talent retention practice is not distinguished as a separate one and does not have clear boundaries but manifests itself through the other talent management practices. Companies that focus on the implementation of integrated solutions and products restricted by sectoral, state and other standards, the talent management system configurations are outlined, with predetermined performance indicators. In organizations of this type, a clearer identification of the boundaries of talent retention practices might be observed, as well as toolkit and criteria by which organization’s leaders determine and identify talents and the principles of their retention. Value of results. As part of the research, the authors for the first time have introduced a numerical scale for analyzing and interpreting the talent management system configuration. The scale made it possible to distinguish two clusters of the organizations from the point of formation of talent retention practices. The further usage the scale provides grounds for preliminary analysis of the talent management system configuration in the company, makes it possible to determine practices connected to each other, and to identify areas for the further development of talent management in the organization. |
Purpose. The purpose of the study is to discover the representations of the employees of the trading enterprise about the organizational culture, to determine the consistency of the representations of the employees, and to specify the consistency of the representations of the employees and the company managers. Methodology. The study involved 42 people: 40 middle managers of a trading enterprise and two top managers. Research methods: socio-psychological diagnosis, interviews and focus group. The results were processed with the help correlation analysis and content analysis. Results. Employees of a trading company classify their company’s culture as market-based and closed, with some disagreement regarding the type of culture among employees. The greatest degree of difference in the assessment of organizational culture and management practices in the company is observed between employees and company management. The employees of the trading company would like to lower the influence of the market type and want to see the organizational culture in which the activity is formed on the basis of mutual agreements. The company’s management adheres to authoritarian positions and advocates tight control of personnel performance. Conclusion. The representations about the organizational culture of a trade enterprise are differentiated — there are differences in the interpretation of the company’s culture between management and employees. These differences can be cause internal pressure in the company and require management efforts to reach a cultural consensus. The value of the results. The results obtained allow us to see the consistency / inconsistency of representations about the organizational culture and how this affects the internal integration in the company. The prospect of development is study of the quality of organizational culture — what parameters determines all possible manifestations of the working and civil behavior of personnel.
Purpose. The article considers the problem of labor motivation, provides a brief overview of theoretical approaches, emphasizes the high role of knowledge and understanding of the structure of employee motivation by the head of organization and their impact on the effectiveness. The problem of the lack of a unified concept of labour motivation despite of a high diversity of theories and practices is discussed. Findings. The results of a research of 951 employees of a large pharmaceutical company about their attitude to the work are presented. The goal of this study was the definition of companyspecific characteristics that influence employee engagement and the research of universal patterns of motivation of today’s workers. According to the study, analysis of conducted focus groups, the existence of 6 main factors of motivation is proven: Financial reward, Working conditions, Staff, Chief, Job content and Development opportunities, as well as four needs: Stability, Achievement, Mission, and Status. On the basis of their combination the structure of labor motivation has been formulated, based on the principal motives of modern employee. It is supposed that the degree of satisfaction of each motive affects productivity. New studies should be made to research the effect of each motive on the engagement and performance of employees. Value of results. This research can serve as the basis for further study of the structure of labor motivation and the investigation of the relationship of labor motives with employee engagement and the ways to increase labor productivity. |
The subject of the research is the organizational, social and psychological problems of aviation events with, Russian commercial aviation aircraft investigation. Purpose. The purpose of the study is to improve the aviation events investigation effectiveness in the safety management system of civil aviation. The article presents the results of organizational and psychological analysis of the most mass aviation events type with aircraft investigation effectiveness — aviation incidents that are “harbingers” of severe aviation accidents. Methodology. The analysis is based on the official reports on the aviation events investigation in commercial aviation in Russia for 2009—2018. The investigation quality, depth and results of the implementation of the inquiry commission’s recommendations were assessed. Systemic shortcomings, that authors refer mainly to organizational ones are identified. The influence of a subjective factors set on the course and results of the aviation incidents investigation is shown. The reasons of low-quality investigation of aviation events in commercial aviation and, as a consequence, — low efficiency of measures for flights safety level increase through an exception of “Photocopying” dangerous situations and decrease in aviation events frequency are revealed. Implications for practice. The article presents the organizational measures developed by the authors to improve the efficiency of the investigation within the framework of the developed state safety management system and developing safety management system of aviation service providers. Dependence of efficiency of aviation incidents investigation on level of organizational flights safety culture development is shown.
- First Steps
Purpose. This study investigated the relationship between transformational leadership and important job attitudes like job satisfaction and organizational commitment, and the mediator role of job autonomy on this link. Study design. Data was collected from three IT-organizations. A sample included 232 employees (131 IT-specialists, and 101 workers from ancillary departments). Standardized survey involved four methodical blocks: Manufactor Leadership Questionnaire (MLQ) (Bass, Avolio, 1990); a three-component model conceptualization of organizational commitment (Meyer, Allen, 1991); Employee Satisfaction Inventory (ESI) (Koustelios, Bagiatis, 1997); The Job Diagnostic Survey (JDS) (Hackman, Oldham, 1975). Findings. The results indicated that there is the highest transformational leadership level among IT-specialists (3.8) and there is a link between transformational leadership style and job satisfaction (R = .620, p < .01) and organizational commitment (R = .582, p < .01). The study also revealed the mediation between transformational leadership and job satisfaction (decreasing effect from .62 to .42; Z = 3.79059508, 3.79 > 1.96 and organizational commitment (decreasing effect from .582 to .386; Z = 3.61192280, 3.61 > 1.96) using Baron and Kenny four-steps method (Baron, Kenny, 1986) and Sobel Test. Value of the results. The obtained results demonstrated the existing importance and effectiveness of transformational style among creative and intellectual specialists. Transformational leadership practices and job autonomy have a positive influence on job satisfaction and, moreover, organizational commitment. These results are significant for intellectual based companies, especially, IT companies, and can be used to reduce IT employee’s turnover.
Purpose. The Article is devoted to the description of the adaptation and validation of the Reysen Likeability Scale (2005) among a Russian sample. The scale includes an assessment of several likeability elements and additional questions about possible interactions with a new student (or employee). Study design. The scale was translated into Russian using back translation and five cognitive interviews were conducted using the think-aloud method (Van Someren et al., 1994). A total of 404 students were involved in the study: 210 girls and 194 boys ( M age = 10.2). Findings. The results of this socio-psychological survey were tested using confirmatory factor analysis and other tests to assess the reliability and validity of the scale. According to the results of the tests, the Reysen Likeability Scale can be considered reliable and valid. Implications for practice. The Reysen Likeability Scale can be considered a useful tool for evaluating the attractiveness of an unknown potential classmate or colleague in a Russian educational or organizational context. Value of the results. To date, the scale has not been translated from English into any other languages. |
- Organizational psychology in dialogues and discussions
I looked at the name and remembered the old joke, which is attributed to the late Nicholas Pavlovich Akimov — the main director of the Leningrad Comedy Theater. They say that he once said that the dream of his whole life was to write the book “My Meetings with Stanislavsky and Why They Didn’t Make A Place”. I looked, looked again, but did not change the name.
- Conferences
The psychology of labor is confidently entering a new stage. This is facilitated by a new type of labor itself — more oriented to intellectual power than to production or muscle. Directions for the development of organizational psychologists were identified at the conference “Psychology of personnel management and social entrepreneurship in the face of changing technological structure”, which was held at the end of 2019 at Nizhny Novgorod State University N. I. Lobachevsky. The article provides an overview of labor psychology trends in industry 4.0, namely: assistance in overcoming mental barriers between scientists and entrepreneurs, government officials; work with cognitive and behavioral aspects of involvement in a poly-motivated environment, activation of intergroup adaptation; study of the relationship between the subjective well-being of staff and organizational culture, including various stereotypes, values, motivation, leadership; application of the theory of self-determination in organizational psychology; emphasis on the labor interests of workers and professional motivation; the formation of reflective critical thinking skills as the basis for managerial intelligence, etc. For the labor psychology of industry 4.0, it is important to move into the future together with other sciences —economics, sociology, law and concentrate on the development of a creative, inquisitive, active worker — a citizen of his country.
The article analyzes the current state, trends and prospects of the development of business psychology based on the results of the Sixth international scientific-practical conference «Business Psychology: Theory and Practice» (HSE, Moscow, Russia), which was held at the HSE from November 29 to December 1, 2019 of the year. The conference was prepared and held on the initiative of the master’s program “Psychology in Business” of the Department of Psychology of the Higher School of Economics in collaboration with the Association of Business Psychologists of Russia. The metalogical basis of the conference is business psychology — an interdisciplinary area of applied psychology that was created in the UK and has been actively developed at the Higher School of Economics in recent years. Presented reports, their discussion, master classes showed a growing interest of researchers and practitioners in research activities in the field of business psychology. The conference showed that today the psychology of business is that area of applied science, which unites at the interdisciplinary level specialists of various fields who strive for a common goal — to make business more efficient and at the same time more “human”, contributing to the increase of subjective well-being all people included in it, their personal and professional development. The reports and workshops presented many interesting ideas and technologies for the psychological support of business at all levels: personal, organizational, environmental. Among the trends in the development of business psychology, there is a growing interest on the part of psychologists and practitioners in business psychological models and technologies for working with the individual, organization, and external business environment. A growing trend is growing interest in the theory and practice of business psychology from business representatives, including company executives. The main strengths of business psychologists become more understandable both to researchers and practitioners: an interdisciplinary approach, professionalism and adaptability, efficiency in communications, systematic problem solving, and focus on development. The tendency towards the growth of requirements to the personal and professional level of a business psychologist as a professional, who works for the development of a leader, staff, and organization, is consistently manifested. The main prospects for the development of business psychology: the inclusion in the structure of business psychology of new subject areas of research and practice; the emergence of new tracks in the structure of training of business psychologists; the introduction of business psychology in various spheres of human activity; strengthening the influence of business psychology on the development of psychological assistance methods. |
The purpose of the Conference: analysis of the experience of scientists and practitioners in the field of organizational psychology, determining the prospects for the development of modern organizational psychology.