2024 т. 14 no 1
- Pages
We present our journal’s new edition Issue No. 1, 2024.
The section «Research in organizational psychology» is presented in this issue by two articles. Moscow researchers E. V. Ulybina and M. A. Gavrilova are finding out whether the assessments of the acceptability of dishonesty in business differ between people with and without entrepreneurial experience. Taiwanese scientists are interested in the connection between emotional intelligence and job satisfaction among university teachers.
In the section «Organizational psychological practice» you will find three articles. A large inter-university and intercity team of Russian authors shared the results of developing an expressque stionnaire of the functions of a production group and informal subgroups in relation to their members. Our colleagues from St. Petersburg focused their attention on finding the most valuable methods for managing secondary adaptation in relocation conditions for IT company employees. Colleagues from Moscow shared the results of the development and testing of a questionnaire test to determine the short-term and long-term motivation as a component of an individual’s motivational style.
The «Reviews» section today presents two articles by foreign authors. The subject of the analysis of Indian scientists was innovative work behavior, presented in more than 70 publications in recent years, and its prerequisites. In the course of studying almost four dozen articles, Chinese researchers focused on the consequences of the recent COVID-19 pandemic associated with the active developmentof remote work.The «First Steps» section this time turned out to be the most «filled». The problem of IT companies, expressed in high staff turnover, low work motivation and burnout of IT specialists, attracted young Moscow researchers in the context of professional well-being. The possibilities of assessing and measuring the effectiveness of joint activities of open source software developers interested anothergroup of young authors from Moscow. The answer to the question of how passion and satisfaction are related among employees of a financial organization with different motivational complexes was sharedby authors from another Moscow university. Our young Indian colleagues are concerned about the difficulties that Indian women face who want to make a career.The topic of a professional career continues to sound in the article by V. A. Tolochek, posted in thesection «Organizational Psychology in Dialogues and Discussions», but now against a broad socio-cultural background.
Finally, you will find an article by Indonesian colleagues describing the results of a bibliometric analysis of the relationship between organizational climate factors, emotional intelligence, leadership skills and psychological well-being of employees in the context of a positive organizational psychosocial spectrum in the section «Literary Guide».
Please, enjoy the reading!
- Research in organizational psychology
Purpose. The purpose of the work was to analyze the relative contributions of Faith in a JustWorld, Faith in a Competitive World, Justification of Systems, prevalence and risk of getting punished inassessing the allowability of dishonesty of people who had and did not have entrepreneurial experiencein paying taxes in small and large businesses. Study design. The study involved 315 people, of which 86,4% were women, the average age was 19.7 (±3,73), 26,4% of them had entrepreneurial experience. Respondents got acquainted with four vignettes describing cases of tax violations (two in large, two in small businesses) and assessed each case by the level of prevalence, allowability, risk of being punished.Then they filled out the questionnaires Faith in a competitive world (Gulevich et al., 2014), Faith in a just world (Nartova-Bochaver et al., 2013) of the Justification scale for the political and economicsystem (Agadullina et al., 2018). Findings. Regression analysis showed a difference in the structure ofthe contributions of the considered predictors to the assessment of the allowability of dishonesty inlarge and small businesses by people who had and did not have entrepreneurial experience. For thosewho had experience, only the prevalence and risk of punishment make a significant contribution to the assessment of the allowability of dishonesty in both large and small businesses. For those who did nothave such experience, the allowability of dishonesty in a large business is determined only by the faith ina competitive world and, with a negative sign, justification for the political system, and the allowabilityof dishonesty in small business is determined by the faith in a competitive world, justification for the political system, prevalence, and risk. The value of the results. The results obtained complement andexpanded the understanding of the factors that determine attitude towards dishonesty in business, showing the difference in the structure of predictors that make an input to the assessment of the allowability of tax evasion by those who had and did not have entrepreneurial experience.
Emotional intelligence and job satisfaction are important factors in today’s workplace. Academic study and practical integration efforts aim to investigate these factors. Purpose. The primary aim of this study is to examine the extent of emotional intelligence and job satisfaction among tertiary educators in Taiwanese universities. Additionally, the secondary aim involves evaluating the correlation between emotional intelligence and job satisfaction. Study design. Data was collected using a survey approach and two self-administered questionnaires, namely TEIQue-SF and JSS. The survey revealed that Taiwanese university professors possess a significant level of emotional intelligence. Findings. The findings indicate that these individuals possess a level of job satisfaction that is higher than the average. Furthermore, the findings also suggest that emotionality does not affect thecharacteristics of work, communication, or colleagues, but it does have a significant positive correlation with salary, additional benefits, and performance-based awards. Implication for practice. This impliesthat academics who exhibit a significant degree of emotionality prioritize financial compensation, additional benefits, and performance-based rewards over the nature of their work, communication, and relationships with colleagues.
- Organizational psychology in practice
Purpose. The purpose of this study is to develop and pilot-test an express questionnaire for assessing the functions of work groups and informal subgroups in relation to their respective members. The questionnaire consists of two sections (each — with the same list of items), intended to assess (1) the functions of a work group, as a whole, and (2) the functions of the informal subgroup. Study design. To examine the content validity of the questionnaire we conducted a study on a sample of 290 workers from 49 work groups (manufacturing and project groups and crews, military units, etc.) in five organizations. First, informal subgroups within participating work groups were identified bymeans of a specialized express questionnaire embedded in a computerized software package “Group Profile”. Then the study participants filled out the main questionnaire. Descriptive statistics (mean and standard deviation) and Cronbach’s α coefficient were calculated, and confirmatory factor analysis was conducted. Findings. The six-factor structure of the questionnaire was confirmed, as six subscales for measuring the corresponding functions of groups and subgroups emerged: (1) creating possibilitiesfor realizing individual goals and meeting individual needs; (2) providing protection from externalsocial threats; (3) providing information to members; (4) educating members; (5) providing adaptive capacities to members; and (6) providing control and regulation. According to the analyzed indicators, both sections of the questionnaire have acceptable validity and reliability. Value of the results. The developed express questionnaire should allow the specialists in the field to: (a) expand scientific understanding of the role work groups and informal subgroups play in the activities, behaviors, and development of individual employees and (b) enable solving practical problems to ensure more effective activity of specific work groups. The composition of items — identical for both sections of the questionnaire — ensures universalization of the stimulus material, which will allow researchers and practitioners to adequately compare the results of studying the functions of work groups and informal subgroups. The questionnaire is available and can be used in two versions: a complete one (simultaneous measurement of group and subgroup functions) and a short one (assessment of only group functions). Practical application. With the developed questionnaire, practitioners will get the opportunity to assess the degree of manifestation of each function of a specific work group and informal subgroups within it. Based on its results, it will be possible to predict the performance effectiveness and social effectiveness of a work group, as a whole and individual informal subgroups more confidently, aswell as to purposefully strengthen selected functions of groups and subgroups.
Purpose. The purpose of this article is to identify the most valuable methods of secondary adaptation management in the conditions of relocation for employees of IT companies. The study includes assessments and analysis of adaptation measures of three groups of companies: international companies that left Russia, international companies operating in Russia and Russian companies. Methodology. The methodological basis of the study is the general theory of adaptation, which considers it as a process triggered by new factors of external and internal environment, which has certain stages of development. As a mathematical and statistical apparatus used descriptive and variance analysis. To achieve the purpose of the study, a survey of 100 employees of IT companies with relocation experience was conducted. The usefulness of nine groups of practices was assessed: compensation for moving and living expenses; family support; cultural adaptation; social adaptation; domestic adaptation; medical support; assistance in legal, tax and migration issues; and “primary” adaptation measures. Findings. The analysis of the research results made it possible to identify the most effective, from the employees’ point of view, management practices and to assess their impact on the subjective perception of overcoming the anxiety stage of the adaptation process. Conclusions. The results made it possible to confirm the main hypotheses of the study. Firstly, employees of IT companies perceive relocation programs as meaningful tools for managing secondary adaptation, which positively influence the restoration of “pre-relocation” level of performance. Secondly, the assessment of the usefulness of certain practices of relocation programs is related to their focus on meeting the actual needs that arise when moving to a new environment. Value of results. The results of the study can beused by HR-managers and managers of IT-companies to develop a methodology of relocation policy and organize measures to adapt employees during relocation.
Purpose. The aim of the work is developing and verification оf a psychological measuring instrument — the questionnaire for determination of the short-term and long-term motivation as acomponent of an individual’s motivational style. Long-term motivation is an individual motivational style in which a person is more focused on long-term motivational plans and is able to return to acertain type of activity over long time span. Short-term motivation — the tendency to stick to short motivational programs. Short-term and long-term is manifested in such aspects of human behavior as: striving for a goal for a long time, returning to programs of action for a long time, taking into account the long-term time perspective when planning, and the ability to follow long-term planning programs, orientation to delayed reward. The questionnaire consists of two relatively independent scales: “Long-term motivation”, which includes 12 statements, and “Short-term motivation”, which includes 11 statements. Findings. For the scale of long-term motivation, the normalized chi-square χ²/df = 4.47,the comparative fit index CFI = 0.909, SRMR = 0.067, RMSEA = 0.077. McDonald’s omega is 0.768, Cronbach’s alfa is 0.743. The retest reliability of the scale is obtained in the amount of r = 0.85, with p < 0.001 and the measurement power (1 – β) = 1, in a sample of 48 people. For the scale of short-term motivation, the normalized chi-square χ²/df = 3, the comparative fit index CFI = 0.892, SRMR = 0.045, RMSEA = 0.059. McDonald’s omega is 0.717, Cronbach’s alfa is 0.707. The retest reliability of the scaleis obtained at a rate of r = 0.83, p < 0.001 and a measurement power of (1 – β) = 0.99, on a sample of 48 people. Checking gender differences in long-term and short-term motivation is carried out using the T-test, as a result, no statistically significant differences were found. Value of results. The questionary can be used by researchers in the field of organizational psychology to study motivation in the context of a time continuum, as well as in a wider context — within the framework of personality psychology.
- Reviews
Purpose. Innovative work behavior ensures an organization’s survival and performance in the volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous environment. The goal of this paper is to facilitate the concept of innovative work behavior theoretically by exploring the previous studies in detail. Methodology. Acondensed article is provided based on the review of literature of 73 peer reviewed articles. This papercaters to serve two purposes. First, to explore the dimensions of Innovative work behavior. Second, to provide a concise framework based on the antecedents and consequences of innovative work behavior. Findings. Extensive review of literature has outlined idea exploration, idea generation and idea realizationas the notable attributes of the Innovative work behavior. The antecedents provided in this paper are designated into three groups namely individual, work environment and organizational characteristics. Some of the factors like intrinsic motivation, emotions, work engagement, experience, leadership, and organizational justice were identified to have an influence on Innovative work behavior. Thus, instilling employees to be innovative at work would not only enhance their job satisfaction, productivity, and effectiveness but would also minimize their intention to leave. Value of results. The framework providedin this paper would help the researchers to propose various notions for empirically testing the innovative work behavior.
Purpose. This study investigates the influence of the recent pandemic on remote work andcareer prospects. Approach. Employing the PRISMA framework, the study analyzes relevant literature on novel work conditions and career disruptions within the context of COVID-19, utilizing data from the Scopus and Web of Science databases. The review incorporates 38 studies, offering significant insights into the transformative effects brought about by the pandemic. Findings. The findings show the concerns of employees in relation to remote work and job security. A substantial majority of employees prefer to work remotely for at least two days per week, indicating a significant demand for flexible workar rangements. Furthermore, employees desire full-time remote work, highlighting a strong inclination towards a remote work setup. It should be noted that the current study’s analysis is limited to the period between 2018 and 2021. Implications for practice. These findings hold substantial value for policymakers, employers, and employees, as they provide crucial insights to inform decision-making processes in the post-pandemic work environment.
- First Steps
Purpose. The article presents pilot research results regarding the current problems of IT companies — high staff turnover, low motivation and burnout through the analysis of occupational wellbeing. The aim was to analyze the components of occupational well-being in their relationship with burnout and self-assessment of job success. Study design. The study involved 60 IT specialists (software developers, data analysts, team leaders) mainly working in Agile development teams. The data were collected in October — November 2022 by the self-report method. We used Occupational well-being questionnaire (Rut, 2016), Russian version of MBI (validated by N. Vodopyanova and E. Starchenkova, 2009), subjective assessments of job characteristics and job success. Statistical methods included Spearman’s ρ-test, Mann — Whitney U-test and step-by-step regression. Findings. Agile work practices demonstrate high demands in team communications, speed and accuracy of problem resolution, multitasking and workload. The level of occupational well-being correlates with self-assessment of job success (p = .675; p < .01), emotional exhaustion (p = –.597; p < .01), reduced personal accomplishment (p = .707; p < .01) and depersonalization (p = –.430; p ≤ 0.01). However, the final regression model of well-being included self-assessment of job success, emotional exhaustion and reduced personal accomplishment and professional experience (R2 = .727, F = 49.7, р < .001). Value of the results. The results showed that the psychological risks for reducing occupational well-being in software developers are (1) lots of communications and related reduced personal accomplishment; (2) emotional exhaustion because of high workload; (3) misunderstanding of the career track. Originality. The results correlate well with the self-determination theory’ research and contribute to better understanding the interrelation between Agile work practices, job demands and occupational well-being.
Purpose is to identify criteria of the effectiveness of joint activity of open-source software developers. The research was carried out in the framework of a qualitative methodology. Methodology. Data collection method is semi-structured interview; data analysis method is thematic analysis. The purposive sample of the research is seven Russian-speaking maintainers of open-source software development projects. The main goal of the project maintainer is to develop new features and fix bugs constantly. To achieve the goal, he has an image final functionality of the product shared with the team. Staff turnover and knowledge sharing barriers can prevent from reaching the goal. Findings. The analysis suggests that the effective achievement of the goal is to deliver product features without reverting commits in the shortest possible time with maximum satisfaction of developers with joint activity. Theperformance is measured by the ratio of accepted and not canceled pull requests to all requests andthe average time of pull request review. The satisfaction with joint activity can be measured both by means of a survey, as well as by counting the manifestations of dissatisfaction with the actions of team members in the process of text communication. The results can be used for the future empirical study of the socio-psychological factors of effectiveness of joint activity of open-source software developers.
The research problem is determined by the need to identify the characteristics of employee motivation and increase their involvement during the period of organizational change. Purpose. The goal of study is to identify the connection between engagement and job satisfaction among employees with different motivational complexes and different socio-demographic characteristics (age, position in the organization). Study design. Research hypothesis: employees with different motivational complexes manifest the relationship between engagement and job satisfaction differently. Sample: 249 employees of a Russian financial organization. Research method: survey, included questionnaire: “Motivation for Professional Activity” by K. Zamfir modified by A. A. Rean; “Utrecht Work Engagement Scale” (UWES-17) by W. Schaufeli and A. Bakker adapted by D. Kutuzova; inventory “Job Satisfaction” by V. A. Rozanova.The questionnaire also contained questions about the socio-demographic characteristics of therespondents (gender, age, work experience, position in the organization). Findings. The predominanceof internal motivation among employees of this organization was revealed. At the same time, four groups of employees were identified that have the characteristics of a combination of complexes of motivation, engagement, and job satisfaction. Young ordinary employees have a significantly higherlevel of external positive motivation, and managers have a significant decrease in the severity of external negative motivation compared to other groups of employees. The connection between job satisfactionand engagement is most pronounced among young ordinary employees, while among young managerssuch a connection was not found at all, and among adult managers there is a pronounced connection between engagement and satisfaction with self-realization at work. Implications for practice. The article also describes the results of modifying the job satisfaction scale. The results can be used in organizational consulting on the problems of employee motivation and engagement during periods of organizational change.
Many western studies support the existence of the glass ceiling based on numerous constructs such as social, cultural, individual barriers, and so on. In India, there is no solid evidence on this point. According to one of TeamLease’s surveys on staffing services, and over half of those who participated have experienced workplace discrimination. Despite an increase in literacy and skills among women, the ratio of women progressing in their careers is very low. Purpose. The aim of the study is to uncover the dominant aspects that hinder the advancement of Indian women at work. Study design. The researcher used stratified random sampling to select respondents from the service sector’s IT/ITES, financial firms, healthcare, hospitality, and education industries at the entry, junior, middle, and senior levels. The study’s sample size was set at 500 people. Data was gathered both from male as well as female respondents toavoid bias. The respondents were made up of employees at various levels who were asked about their opinions of the term “glass ceiling.” The Cronbach Alpha for all constructs was 0.7, indicating that the statements were internally consistent, and the survey form was reliable. SPSS 23.0 was used to analyse the data. Findings. The empirical analysis of independent factors on performance-enhancing aspects in the organisation is examined using multiple linear regressions. To investigate the factors influencing the glass ceiling, an exploratory factor analysis was performed, and five factors were identified: individual factors, social and societal factors, organizational factors, cultural factors, and gender related issues. Model summary depicted, correlation coefficient as .542, and R2 is .451, which showed the explanatory power of independent variables on dependent variable. Results indicate that these factors can impact advancement of women by 45.1%.
- Organizational psychology in dialogues and discussions
In the third article (Part three), the problem under consideration is defined as the prerequisites for the formation and historical evolution of the “professional career” phenomenon. Purpose: to study the features of the manifestation of a professional career as a historically evolving phenomenon. Hypotheses. 1. Historically changing activities of people “crystallize” in a few stable forms. 2. The “professional career” phenomenon originates at the “craft” stage and evolves widely at the “profession” stage. Methods: historical-theoretical, subject-categorical analysis. The first section analyzes the historical evolution of human activity, shows the limited explanation of “labor” by K. Marx and domestic philosophers in relation to developed forms of human activity; three main forms are distinguished — “work”, “craft”, “profession” (professional activity) — and a description of their characteristics is given. In the second, the conditions for the emergence of a professional career as a socio-psychological phenomenon are considered using examples of various types of activity (military, sports, etc.). In the third section, three types of small social groups (declared, latent, social complementary dyads) are discussed as the basic mechanisms for the professional development of the subject and the emergence of the phenomenon of professional career. In conclusion, it is summarized that the identification of three self-sufficient forms of people’s labor activity can be considered as the starting point in explaining the phenomenon of a career (professional career). Work (occupation, exercise, hobby) is a non-permanent activity, limited in time, space and means; craft is a constant activity taking place in a fixed physical and social space, aimed at creating an integral product (services); profession (professional activity) is a highly specialized activity within the boundaries of solving individual problems of creating an integral product (services) in the structure of a number of social institutions, limited by the physical and social space that allows its changes. The emergence of cities led to the division of social labor, the formation of many of its varieties and, accordingly, the specialization in them of certain groups of people, one of the forms was craft; the emergence of universities, manufactories and standing armies gave rise top rofessions in the depths of which the phenomenon of “career” (in the narrow sense — “professional career”) was born and developed.
- Conferences
- Literary guide
Purpose. This study aims to analyze the correlation between organizational climate determinants, emotional intelligence, leadership skills, and employees’ psychological well-being towards a positive organizational psychosocial spectrum. Methodology. This is carried out through the bibliometric analysis approach, intended to help uncover collaboration trends, relationship patterns within extensive data, and to identify knowledge gaps. To achieve these objectives, a quantitative approach is adopted using a cross-sectional survey design. The research sample involves employees from various hierarchical levels within private companies. Data collection is conducted using a survey instrument implemented through the Google Form application. Respondent data is selected randomly and analyzed using descriptive statistics to portray demographic profiles and respondent characteristics. Moreover, a multiple linear regression analysis is utilized to examine the relationship between predictor variables and explanatory variables. Findings. The analysis results indicate a significant connection between predictor and explanatory variables. Implications for practice. The practical implications are that the management can provide guidance patterns for workplace improvement and employee quality of life enhancement. Originality. This study explores intricate and relevant relationships within current workplace issues.