2014 т. 4 no 3
- Pages
Sergey Lipatov is one of those russian social psychologists, who, with his research, publications and presentations demonstrates the necessity and promise of an approach based on high scientific requirements. This is especially valuable when it comes to this field of scientific and practical knowledge, which is the organizational psychology.
- Research in organizational psychology
In article expediency of use of the social and constructivist approach (SCA) in organizational psychology is proved. Actual problems of professional activity of the HR director are designated. The basic theoretical and methodological provisions SCA (L.S. Vygotsky, K. Gergen), and also the author’s concept of ambivalent approaches to studying of the social and psychological phenomena are presented. Complementary technique included a triangulation and a discourse-analysis of three empirical researches directed on studying of psychological features of activity of HR directors (heads of HR departments) 57 economic and military organizations executed by the author or under his supervising. A block functional model of professional activity which is turning on analytical, administrative, communicative and managerial blocks is used. Dynamics and substantial filling of functional blocks depending on a stage of development of the organization is revealed. Range of activityof personnel director includes the socio-psychological content of all functions and, depending on a stage of development of the organization, can extend and be narrowed from function of “personnel officer” before function of “adviser”. The knowledge of revealed dynamics of a role allows to optimize personnel policy of the organization. The offered methodology of research partially can replace metaanalysis of the researches conducted earlier before accumulation of the minimum mass of the empirical material necessary for it.
Problems of organizational values forming and using them in human resources managementare broadly examined in Russian and international studies. However, there is a distinct lack of publications on the issues of values management in hospitality and tourism industry: values are considered mainly within the context of formation and change of organizational culture. Research focused on the values management in travel companies has been hardly conducted. Meanwhile, as the Russian tourism and hospitality industry is developing dramatically fast and the competition within it is increasing, the values could become a source of competitive advantage for Russian travel companies. This article presents the results of a study which examined the interrelations of organizational and personal values, using the case of the Russian tour operator. Organizational values perceivedby employees reflect the orientation of the company’s business development — focus on results, maintaining the company’s reputation, team work style. However, certain values are not a priority for the employees themselves, despite their awareness. Most of the staff, understanding organizational values, are more likely to “individualistic” positions: meaningful to them are decent pay and working сonditions, the development of professionalism.
- Organizational psychology in practice
In a previous article, we have identified two basic paradigms of time-management: “Management of the affairs during the time” and “Management of relationship with time and attitudesto time by the individual and/or social group/organization», namely Time Mentality Management. In this article, we are primarily interested in the possibility of the creation and use of technologies based on the second paradigm. The article describes the history of the origin and the possibility of use in literary and cultural studies of the term “chronotope” (“time-space”), reveals its potential for analysis of the socio-political development of Russia during the XX-XXI centuries. Today we can say about chronotopeat the individual level and at the level of groups, organizations, and state. We can also be argued that “management of chronotope” — is the most powerful tool for organizational consulting. In a previous article, we described the creation of storage and use of technologies based on the particular case of the paradigm time mentality management, namely “management” of personal relationship “with time" — to address the “classic” problem of time management: to have things done before the deadline. Here, we describe the practice of using another private paradigm Management Time Mentality — “chronotope management”. Work in the paradigm “chronotope management” is used not only to solve the problem of “to have things done before the deadline”, but allows us to solve much larger range of problems and issues that we will try to present in this article.
The article deals with the psychological challenges faced by the leaders of today’s organizations. Social context is analyzed through the prism of the changes associated with the development of information technology. With the development of humanistic values human become more freedomin its manifestations. He can choose the behavior, focusing on the environmental situation. But where are uncertain decision-making criteria, there is a problem of choice. It is notes that the features of contemporary social situation are: virtualization, multiple identity and total immersion in the external social and communicative environment. The lack of universal wholes in the modern world leads to a lack of self-identity in humans. Everyday reality contributes to the ease of changing roles and associated identities. Uncertainty avoidance has become an important quality that allows to overcome the “dissociation”, “fragmentation” of the social world. As a direction, allowing the leader to effectively adapt to the changes proposed to the development of such personality traits as constructive imagination, over-voluntary attention and controlled will. In a crisis, it is important to update the existing leaderand build a new, more reliable bridge between the past and the future. It is necessary to generate more meaningful, more strategic, more focused, more flexible, more rational and relevant life plans - programs to achieve and avoid. Peculiarities of manifestation of the “leadership vision” in the postcrisis period are presented: self-regulation, the integration of reason and intuition, readiness to choice for equiprobable conditions.
- Reviews
How can industrial-organizational (I-O) psychology science and practice assist with the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)? This review follows an earlier report (Sall, Clayton, &Scott, 2014) and has three purposes: first, to explore how I-O psychology as a discipline is collectively considering and engaging with the SDGs; second, to understand the relevance of I-O psychology research and practice areas to the SDGs; and third, to make suggestions for how I-O psychology can more robustly and effectively engage with and support the SDGs.
- First Steps
The article deals with subjective experience of work-life balance in the context of Russian culture, particularly the connection between work-life balance and demographic and labor characteristics. There are results of empirical research on a sample of employees (N = 4708 ) from Russian Manufacturing Enterprise. The survey includes four methods: Work-life balance Scale, Satisfaction with Life Scale, brief method for general life satisfaction measure, the scale of organizational attitudes, measuring psychological climate; Utrecht Work Engagement Scale. Work-life balance Scale includes two subscales: “Work interferes with personal life” and, alternatively, “Personal life interferes with work. The results show that work-life balance correlates with demographic variables and indicators of interest in work, life satisfaction and organizational attitudes. The possible developing of measures for self-efficacy improving and well-being enhance is discussed.
- Conferences
The objective of the article – to provide an overview of reports on organizational-psychologicaltopics, presented at the 6th International Conference of Education and New Learning Technologies in Spain. Spain, as a venue for conferences on educational topics, has successfully established itself thanks to an annual event. Conference organized and conducted by The International Academy of Technology, Education and Development (IATED). In addition, each of these of scientific events completed the release of two collections of publications: “Abstracts” and “Proceedings”. Within this framework, and passed this conference. In review are presented, first of all, those reports that may be of interest to organizational psychologists — both to researchers, and to practitioners.