Organizational Psychology |
Editorial officeAddress: 20, Myasnitskaya, 101000 Moscow, Russia
Vol. 8.
No. 2.
P. 6–7
[issue contents]
We are pleased to continue to acquaint readers with the latest developments in organizational psychology in 2018-2 issue of Organizational Psychology Journal. We are glad to present four research reports in the “Research in organizational psychology” section. The article “Decision-making in organizations under power” (Аntoliy Karpov) presents methodological approach to explanation of decision-making. The paper “Personality resources and work motivation: A beneficial synergy” aims to show the motivational function of personality resources in the organizational context. One more group research “Conceptual framework of cognitive social capital in organizations from a social psychology perspective” aims to develop a conceptual model of cognitive social capital for organizations. In the research “Resilience as internal resource in the teaching profession” (Мarina Frizen) author tested anassumption that the resilience used by teachers at different levels of its expressiveness, has specifics in comparison with doctors, the place of residence and involvement in the management work. In the “Organizational-psychological practice” Igor Gurkov and Evgeniy Morgunov present original exploration of organizational phenomenon - “Rituals of the formal opening of new Russian plants of foreign corporations: the meaning, content and manner of ceremonies”. The quasi-experimental research “The Interrelation of Employees’ Creativity Level and Conflict Behavior” (Anastasia Fedorova) in the “First Steps” section aims to explore creativity in three dimensions: as a divergent thinking, a self-actualization component, and a flow state and shows that creativity can predicts conflict behavior in organization. In the “Conferences” sectionthere aretwo short reports about conferences: The 27th conference of the National Institute of Certified Management Consultants “Business in Russia: risks and prospects for development in new conditions», IX International scientific and practical conference “Organizational psychology: people and risks”. And in the “Literary Guide” we announce the publication of a new book "Fifth leg. Supervisory Board in the development of small and medium business. Catechism" written by the founders of the consulting firm "STEP" - Eugene Emelyanov and Svetlana Emelyanova.