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Organizational Psychology |
Editorial officeAddress: 20, Myasnitskaya, 101000 Moscow, Russia
Vol. 11.
No. 3.
P. 7–10
[issue contents]
We present to you the "anniversary" issue of our journal. The fact is that exactly ten years ago, on August 18, 2011, the first issue of the journal "Organizational Psychology" was published. It opened with the Editor's Introductory Note, where we argued that organizational psychology in Russia is just beginning to develop and institutionalize, and that this process is possible only if there is meaningful professional communication. Until 2011, Russian organizational psychologists did not have their own platform for such communication; publications were scattered among general psychological and non-psychological journals and were lost in the general flow of publications. “I would like to believe,” we wrote, “that this journal will become such a discussion platform, will help to ensure scientific communication, exchange of ideas and research results, and will also contribute to the introduction of new scientific developments into the practice of working with organizations”. And now, ten years later, we can say that this dream of ours has come true! 40 journal issues were published, in which more than four hundred scientific articles were published. To summarize the overall results of the work of the editorial board and the editorial board over these ten years, it is best to turn to the principles that we proclaimed then as our basic guidelines. 1. "The journal publishes materials covering contemporary problems of organizational psychology, contributing to their wide dissemination and the development of this area of knowledge in general". The way it is. Today, the journal presents an extremely wide range of topics and areas of research in modern organizational psychology. 2. "The journal seeks to ensure greater integration of domestic organizational psychologists into the global professional community". Today the journal is a fully bilingual journal and has the English name “Organizational Psychology” officially registered by Roskomnadzor. For ten years, the journal has published more than two dozen articles by foreign authors in Russian and English, and in the current issue there are already more than half of them (60% of articles in the Contents). 3. "The journal aims to ensure the integration and close interaction of scientific and practicing organizational psychologists, and contributes to the introduction of new scientific and applied developments in the practice of working with organizations". For ten years, 72 articles were published under the heading "Organizational and Psychological Practice", and three issues were completely devoted to professional standards (issues 2013-3, 2014-4 and 2015-2). 4. "The journal publishes texts of both well-known and authoritative authors, as well as young authors". In ten years, more than fifty articles by novice authors have been published. Since 2015, the journal has a new heading "Organizational Psychology in Faces, Dialogues and Discussions", which aroused the genuine interest of our readers. 5. "The journal adheres to standard publishing requirements". The work of the editorial office is based on strict adherence to international academic standards in the field of periodicals. All manuscripts submitted to the editorial office go through several stages of review and assessment of their quality, including double blind review. Over the past year, the journal has joined the "University Partnership Program" and provides more thorough attention and support to authors from regional Russian universities.Today our journal has taken a solid and well-recognized place among Russian academic periodicals in psychology, it has a large readership. For its anniversary, the journal received recognition in the academic community. Since 2014, the journal has been included in the RSCI, since 2016 it has been included in the "VAK List", and since the end of the 2010s it has been indexed by the international databases WoS (ESCI) and SCOPUS. We sincerely congratulate our authors and readers on the 10th anniversary of the journal "Organizational Psychology"! We present the anniversary issue of our journal Under the heading Research in organizational psychology readers will find articles presenting the results of empirical research in various fields and different types of organizations. The problem of giftedness is discussed in the article by Tatyana Soboleva“The formation of professional talent in determination by the conditions of the development of abilities and by the freedom of choice in activity”. The impact of the pandemic on the psychological well-being of healthcare workers is discussed in the article of Irina Loginova and Mariya Sevost'yanova “Features of the doctor’s life-world stability with different functional responsibilities in a hospital to combat COVID-19”. Various options for relationships and interactions between psychological variables in organizational behavior are presented in the articles of our foreign colleagues from Turkey, Nigeria and Jordan. These are articles in English: “The mediator and moderator role of positive organizational behavior in the effect of corporate reputation on organizational commitment” (authors Ferit Ölçer, Ömer Coşkun ); “Moderating effect of employees’ retention on the influence of contributory pension scheme on employees attitude” (authors Ademola Sajuyigbe , Anthony Eniola , Adebanji Ayeni, Bolanle Sanusi ); “The effects of organizational support and psychological empowerment on organizational citizenship behavior in the Jordanian health sector” (authors Mohammad Taamneh, Jamal Abudoleh,Mohammad Almaaitah, Abdallah Taamneh, Bilal Eneizan). The heading Organizational psychology in practice in this issue is represented by two articles — from Russia and Turkey. The team of employees of the innovative "Humanitarian Technologies" Aleksandr Shmelyov, Gleb Vzorin andMaria Rybnikova reveal the history of the development of the TEZAL diagnostic technique in the article “A six-factor model of personality based on a psychosemantic study of the Russian-language vocabulary of personality traits”. A description of the process of creating and testing a methodology for measuring the degree of entropy of an organizational climate can be found in the article of Mustafa Çavuş “Entropic organizational climate (EOC): Development and validation of new scale”. In the section Reviews posted an article by Andrey Sidorenkov “Organizational identity and organizational identification: content and relationship of concepts”, continuing the discussion about how the constructs so popular in organizational psychology are related to each other. Under First Steps you will find an English article from India “The mediating role of needs satisfaction on the relationship between total rewards satisfaction and retention: A proposed model” by Jeeta Sarkar. Another English-language article from India “Socio-psychological factors on employee turnover: А demystifying perspective” (authors Jikku Kurian , Kumar Rajini , Asi Reddy ) presents Organizational psychology in the dialogues and discussions section in this issue.